Parkland Village is now accepting membership registrations and membership dues. To be eligible for membership, you must live in the service area (primarily in Parkland Hills neighborhood of Albuquerque to the Southeast Heights neighborhood). You can find a map and description of the service area on this website. We will also accept members who live reasonably close to the service area boundary on a case-by-case basis.
To receive services as a member of Parkland Village, you must consider yourself to be elderly or to have disabilities.
Please see the Membership Handbook and the regstration form under this same drop-down menu. You can print out the form, fill it out, and send it to the address indicated on the form along with a check for your dues. Annual dues are $150 for an individual and $200 for a household. For those who cannot afford these dues, please contact us about receiving financial assistance. We will not turn anyone away for lack of funds.
The services we are providing are:
- transportation
- light chores in and around the home, including yard work
- computer and other technical support
- friendly visits
You can become a member even if you do not currently need services. Your membership dues will support the Village and enable it to create a vibrant sense of community in our service area and to assist those who do need services.
Members of the Village will have the right to vote for members of the Board of Directors begining in January 2025.